Sarah Elebert
Equitas Co-Founder, Irish Event/Dressage rider, HSI Level 2 Coach. Her passion is to empower women & encourage more riders into the sport. She is also Mum to her two daughters, Paige & Bree.
30 Day Selfcare Challenge - Are You In?
Equitas Collaborates with Katie Pinn for a Stress Awareness Initiative
This April, which marks Stress Awareness Month, we are proud to partner with Katie Pinn, of Integrative Sports Coaching to spread the message
April: Stress Awareness Month and Equitas' Second Annual #StressAffectsUsAll Campaign
This April, Equitas is excited to bring back our #StressAffectsUsAll campaign for its second year. Our mission is straightforward: to highlight the realities of stress within the equestrian community and to offer real,