Interview with Joanne Corish

Tell us about yourself & how you began a life with horses...
My family have had horses, my whole life. Both of my grandfathers had a mixture of racehorses and showjumpers. For most of my life I have evented and have been lucky enough to represent Ireland at a World Championship for young horses at Le Lion de’Angers.
Tell us about your support system...
My Mum and Dad are some of my biggest supporters as well as my boss and work colleagues - it's very much a team effort.
Do you work in a yard?
I currently work 6 days a week for Cormac Doyle at Monbeg stables. I work in the afternoons for Daragh Berry as well as my Dad, Thomas Corish.
You rode a winner this weekend - please tell us about it - Who/what/when/where?!
I rode my first winner this weekend at Ballinaboola P2p on a horse called “Old Style Humour" for my boss, Cormac and his brother, Sean Doyle who trains him. We weren’t expecting him to win which made it even better. He gave me a great spin around, it’s a day I’ll never forget!
Do you have a plan for your career? - are you planning on travelling abroad to work or will you stay in Ireland?
At the moment, I plan to stay in Ireland and continue racing and eventing. I have some really nice young horses coming along here too. However, I would love to spend some time in America at perhaps a racing yard, to see how they do it over there!
What is your favourite part of the P2P scene?
My favourite part of the P2p scene would have to be the social aspect. I have met some of my best friends from racing. All the jockeys support one another which is great.
Do you have a course you are especially fond of?
I would say Ballinaboola would have to me my favourite track as it’s so well done and helps that it’s local!
Who is your biggest inspiration in Racing?
I definitely look up to Rachel Blackmore, she’s incredible! However, I also look up to the likes of Maxine O’Sullivan, Aine O’Connor and Moira McElligott. They’re all incredibly talented ladies!
Do you feel it is any different for lady jockeys in the industry?
I don’t think it’s much different for lady jockeys. Of course, it’s a predominantly a male dominated sport but I do feel women are starting to get equal chances.
Are there any changes you would like to make within the industry?
I probably wouldn’t change a whole lot in the industry.
If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
One piece of advice that I would give to my younger self would be probably not to worry what other people think and just to focus on yourself. It’s important to put your head down and work really hard to get to where you want to be. Of course, you do need some luck on your side too!!