World Mental Health Day: The Power of Our Community to Make a Change

World Mental Health Day: The Power of Our Community to Make a Change

Today is World Mental Health Day, a reminder that mental health is not a solitary struggle but a collective responsibility. In the equestrian community, where the pressure to perform and the weight of expectations can be immense, we know that these battles are often fought alone and in silence.

A month ago, we planned to gather for the Equestrian Mental Health Summit—a chance to unite and face these issues head-on. While the event didn’t go ahead, the need for change is as urgent as ever. The challenges riders, trainers, and everyone in our community face—burnout, isolation, injuries, and financial strains—don’t disappear because an event didn’t happen.

"Mental health... is not a destination, but a process. It's about how you drive, not where you're going." — Noam Shpancer
World Mental Health Day invites us to reflect, not just on the past month, but on how we can move forward as a community. It’s about recognising that despite setbacks, there are countless individuals committed to making a difference. The passion and support we received in preparation for the summit is proof of that. The drive for change is alive, even when progress isn’t always visible.

We’ve lost people—people who gave everything to this sport but faced struggles that went unseen. Their absence is deeply felt. They were riders, trainers, and grooms who fought battles in silence, and today, we honour them. World Mental Health Day is not just a day of awareness—it’s a call to action, a moment to remember those we’ve lost and to ensure that we move forward with purpose.

To the families, friends, and partners who have lost loved ones to these battles, we see you. Your grief is not forgotten. We stand with you, knowing that your pain is immeasurable. As a community, it’s our duty to ensure that no one else feels alone in their darkest moments.
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." — Helen Keller

Today, we have an opportunity—a chance to recommit ourselves to this cause. The summit’s cancellation was not the end of the conversation but the beginning of a new one. One we need to have. One the industry needs to have and one that is taking place currently behind closed doors but very soon. It will be time for the next phase and days like World Mental Health Day should be used as motivation and inspiration.

The equestrian community is built on resilience, love and a passion for the sport but most of all for the horses. We have the power to change the narrative around mental health, to break the silence, and to create a future where support is accessible to everyone. World Mental Health Day is a moment to reaffirm that commitment. And that is what this article is...

Our support for Equestrian Mental Health is Unwavering and dare I say relentless... The Summit will happen, the initiatives will launch and the suppirt will build. This is just the beginning and have no doubt about that.

BIG CHANGE IS COMING. and that is what is needed. Not small tiny steps, we will lose too many if tradition overrules progression and that is not what is needed. A seismic shift can and will take place.

To those who supported us and believe in this mission, thank you.

Your support matters. ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT MATTERS.

Today is not about what we didn’t achieve but about what we can do from here. Together, we move forward, creating opportunities and spaces where mental health is no longer a hidden struggle but a priority for our community, our industry, for brands and for the powers that be.

"Promise me you’ll always remember — you’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” — Christopher Robin from Winnie the Pooh

Until Next Time,

Shane McCarthy

Shane McCarthy

Those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do!! I'm the co-founder and ceo of The Grassroots Gazette and Equitas. Be relentless in the pursuit of Excellence.