New Beginnings Are In Fact Just New Chapters.

1st of Oct 2024 the Month that so many people begin to struggle with their Mental Health, I thought it would be an appropriate time to share my thoughts.
Let me dive into the name of this article "New Beginnings, are in fact just new chapters".
I always had this view that life had an end destination that I would get to, and then live happily ever after, even when beginning my healing journey it was always the mindset when I heal, not knowing I would be healing from different things, big and small for the rest of my days. It's like starting a new job or driving you're not great at the start but little by little you get better at it. It's the same with healing. You get better at working through the healing from things in life and it just helps you get over that situation faster.
I had the mindset for a while, "why does this always happen to me?" when something bad would happen in my life. I learned that did not serve me and started having the attitude of, this is just another mishap for me to find a solution to fix - to show myself how capable I am of sailing through these very normal cycles of life.
"I have been dealt with a lot of hardship in life there were so many times I lay in bed when the kids slept and cried, thinking why me?"
How will I fix this one?
How will I overcome this pain?
Feeling like I was back at square one.
Now, I look at it that it created confidence and sureness in me to know that whatever life throws at me, I am and will be capable of getting through it. Let me tell you, I still suffer with anxiety, and the "what-ifs", but when I use the tools that I've acquired to bring me back into the present moment, I release that all the times I thought "Okay here we go, new beginning! Let's start again", I was never starting again, I was just turning a page and starting a new chapter".
"I was never starting again, I was just turning a page and starting a new chapter".
I took a real step back this year because I was going through what I thought was another new beginning, when in fact it was another scary chapter, but now I am out the other side. I learned so much and took my self-growth to the next level. And when you put you first and all the things that make you the best version of yourself, everything else falls into place.
If you are suffering, in pain, struggling right now, please know this...There are so many going through the same. If you say "oh, I can't do what she/he can", you are comparing. Everyone is capable of self-growth, everyone is capable of self-love, and everyone is worthy.
You are the only one who can be the author of your book, your story, your journey, your life. If you're feeling stuck right now, dust yourself off, turn the page and begin a new chapter.
There is only one of you, don't try to copy & paste you.
Be Uniquely You.