Standing in Solidarity for Baby Loss Awareness Week

Standing in Solidarity for Baby Loss Awareness Week
Baby Loss Awareness - Break the Silence around Baby Loss.

Raising Awareness and Offering Support

As Baby Loss Awareness Week begins on October 9th, we at Equitas want to take a moment to stand in solidarity with all those who have been touched by the loss of a baby. Whether through miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death, or any other form of loss, the grief experienced by families is profound and enduring.

During this week, we join hands with people across the world to raise awareness, break the silence, and offer our heartfelt support to those who are navigating this deeply personal journey.

Baby Loss Awareness Week is not only about remembering the babies who have been lost; it’s also about creating a compassionate space for those who are grieving, whether their loss is recent or happened many years ago. It’s an opportunity to educate others, foster open conversations, and encourage empathy in our communities, workplaces, and beyond.

This week is a reminder that we are never truly alone in our experiences.

At Equitas, we believe that awareness and understanding are essential in helping individuals and families cope with the complex emotions that come with baby loss. Too often, those affected feel isolated in their grief, unsure of how to express their feelings, or worried that their pain might be misunderstood or dismissed. This week is a reminder that we are never truly alone in our experiences. By coming together, we can offer support, comfort, and connection.

Why This Week Matters

Baby Loss Awareness Week, now in its 22nd year, serves as a vital platform for raising awareness of the impact of pregnancy and baby loss, while also focusing on the importance of bereavement support.

As Clea Harmer, Chief Executive of Sands and Chair of the Baby Loss Awareness Alliance, explains...

“Following their loss, families find themselves on a new path they never expected to be on. Together we care for ourselves and each other as part of a community of people affected by all forms of pregnancy and baby loss.”

This week, more than ever, we acknowledge that each person’s journey through grief is unique. Some may be able to speak about their loss; others may need more time. But Baby Loss Awareness Week invites us all to listen, understand, and respect the diversity of each experience. By fostering conversations and raising awareness, we can help break down the walls of silence and provide a supportive space for healing.

How We Can Support

At Equitas, we are committed to creating an environment where compassion and understanding are central to our culture. Here are some ways we can show our support during Baby Loss Awareness Week:

  • Listen and Be Present: Offering a listening ear without judgment can be incredibly comforting for someone who is grieving. Sometimes, simply being there is the greatest support we can give.
  • Share and Educate: Raising awareness about baby loss helps to break the stigma and ensure that those affected do not feel alone in their grief. By sharing stories and educating ourselves, we can help create a more supportive and understanding environment.
  • Light a Candle in Remembrance: On October 15th, families and supporters across the world will participate in the Wave of Light, a global event where people light candles at 7:00 p.m. local time to honour the babies who have been lost. This act of unity and remembrance can offer solace to grieving families while demonstrating the power of collective support.
  • Offer Continued Support: Grief does not end with the week. Whether through kind words, thoughtful gestures, or simply checking in with those who are grieving, our support should extend beyond Baby Loss Awareness Week. Every day is an opportunity to show compassion and understanding.

A Time for Reflection and Healing

As buildings and landmarks across the world light up in pink and blue during this week, they serve as a powerful symbol of remembrance and hope. These colours not only honour the babies who are no longer with us but also represent the strength and resilience of the families who carry their memory forward.

At Equitas, we don't have a building to light up but we do have our online platforms and we will take the time to pause and reflect when we see those buildings that do share the pink or blue light. We encourage everyone else to do the same.

Clea Harmer adds, “I hope that the lighting of buildings, will help reassure anyone who finds themselves navigating this journey, whether recently bereaved or longer ago, that there is a community that understands and is here for you—whatever you need, be it guidance, shared stories, or simply a listening ear to help and offer comfort. You are not alone.”

We echo that sentiment... we are here for you—today and always. Whether you are a family member, a friend, or someone who lost a baby, this week reminds us all of the importance of coming together, of caring for one another, and of honouring the memories of the babies who live on in our hearts.

For more information on how to get involved or access support during Baby Loss Awareness Week, visit

Baby Loss Awareness Week – Break the silence around baby loss


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