The Power of Words

Language is a beautiful thing. We can communicate, tell stories, explore infinitely, and create movements.
Our voices hold power.
Humans love stories from the earliest tribal epics to the simplest rhymes. We cannot get enough of them. Stories and dreams are how we've always shared ideas, learnt important lessons, explored philosophy and the most important ones have affected core changes to society.
When I was first asked to write for Equitas, I very much thought what do I have to offer. I agonised over what to even write about, so I was given an assignment. Explore what it means to be female in the world and in the industry.
I discovered the real power behind words, the impact and inspiration they can impart. The value of equity in a world full of imbalance. The importance of each and every woman and her allies' stories.
So why not tell yours?
Your story is worthy of being heard. Your unique perspectives and thoughts might have more impact than you know. Think of the most famous speeches and the strength they had in growing passion for people. Women's voices have too often been silenced. By oppression, by implicated "hysteria" or violence but each generation of women grows braver. The world is starting to listen and more than ever, we have allies in the true sense of the word. Fathers, husbands, sons, and brothers who not only won't tolerate the silence but actively step back, listen, and give women platforms to be heard. Systemic oppression is difficult to dismantle, but taking bricks at a time for future generations is paramount.
I hope you, dear reader, find the same inspiration from the wonderfully crafted words of the other equestrian women between these pages.
Pick up a pen and share your stories with us. Don't let doubt hold you back.