#WeRideTogether: A Movement to Protect Athletes

In the world of sport, conversations around safety, power dynamics, and athlete protection have long been silenced. But #WeRideTogether is changing that. More than just an awareness campaign, it is a movement dedicated to ending sexual misconduct in sport through education, prevention, and open dialogue.
By addressing the systemic failures that allow abuse to persist, #WeRideTogether is paving the way for a culture shift—one that ensures the safety, respect, and well-being of athletes at every level.
Why #WeRideTogether Exists
The mission of #WeRideTogether is simple yet powerful: to create a safer sporting environment through education, awareness, and prevention.
The initiative was launched to combat the prevalence of sexual misconduct in sport, particularly within equestrian disciplines, where power imbalances and a lack of oversight have historically left athletes vulnerable. However, the movement extends far beyond equestrianism—highlighting a widespread issue that exists across all levels of sport, from grassroots to elite competition.
Through educational resources, survivor storytelling, and proactive policy advocacy, #WeRideTogether is dismantling the barriers that have kept abuse hidden in the shadows for too long.

Carrie Kehring: A Parent Turned Advocate
At the heart of #WeRideTogether is Carrie Kehring, the organisation’s founder and president—but her journey into advocacy wasn’t one she ever imagined taking.
Carrie is the mother of a survivor of sexual abuse in sport. Her daughter was just a minor, training and competing, when she was groomed and abused by her coach—a betrayal of trust that shattered their family and exposed the widespread failures of sport’s protective systems.
Their experience, however devastating, was not unique. Carrie encountered hundreds of families and survivors whose stories echoed the same disturbing patterns: a culture of silence, a lack of accountability, and institutions that prioritized reputation over athlete safety.
"It is stunning that these behaviors continue to occur, making sport an unhealthy environment for everyone," Carrie writes. "More often than not, leadership chooses to do what is easy instead of doing what is right."
Refusing to accept the status quo, Carrie founded #WeRideTogether to ensure that no other family would have to endure the same silence, shame, and systemic neglect that so many survivors face.
Proactive Prevention: A Long-Overdue Shift in Sport
Carrie and #WeRideTogether advocate for what should already be standard practice in all sports: clear, enforceable policies that protect athletes from abuse.
"Nearly every other environment that has a potential for power imbalance—schools, workplaces—has policies in place to protect participants," she explains. "Sport should be no different."
#WeRideTogether pushes for proactive prevention strategies, including:
✅ Education—Empowering athletes, parents, and coaches with the knowledge to recognise red flags and protect against grooming behaviors.
✅ Policy Reform—Advocating for clearer, stricter protections against misconduct in sports organisations at all levels.
✅ Breaking the Silence—Encouraging survivors to share their experiences and fostering a culture of accountability and transparency.
The Impact and the Call to Action
Since its launch, #WeRideTogether has sparked critical conversations across the equestrian world and beyond. By sharing real stories, advocating for policy changes, and challenging outdated norms, the movement is empowering athletes, families, and sporting communities to demand better protections.
But this fight is far from over. Creating meaningful, lasting change requires collective action—from athletes, parents, coaches, and governing bodies alike.
To learn more, access educational resources, or support the movement, visit weridetogether.today or follow @weridetogether.today.
Because silence protects abusers—speaking up protects athletes.